"Faith Becomes Lame, When it Ventures
Mahatma Gandhi
Into Matters Pertaining to Reason!"

"Three Things Cannot Be Long Hidden:
The Sun, The Moon, and The Truth"

"No One Saves Us But Ourselves.
We Ourselves Must Walk The Path."
Meditation, Yoga, Retreats, Free
Programs & More...
Anubandha fosters interconnectedness and personal growth through shared spiritual practices, creating a harmonious and supportive environment for collective development and spiritual awakening.
Provided basic necessities to the affected people, housing reconstruction initiatives during the 2009 Nerehavali, Kodagu Floods in 2018. Distributed more than 150 Beds, and free medical facilities during Covid 19
Established Gaushala for Stray Cows & Bull in Chitradurga, Sri Kshetra, Kommerahalli and Bangalore

Experience Yoga At Our Vihara Ashram Community
We are happy to see newcomers at any of our yoga and meditation classes. Join the community to participate in the center`s life and the discussion club.
Yoga’s Practice of “Giving Back”
Dakshina is an ancient tradition of those who practice yoga, and it is a display of generosity – a private contribution to the financial support of the teacher and their teachings.
When we experience a pure inner impulse caused by a higher purpose to help others, to express our unconditional gratefulness, it is called Dakshina. We are being guided by our feelings, and, in this case, the amount we give is irrelevant as long as we gain our own true Self.
Learn To Be Sustainably Happy!
Join the Happiness Program. Experience a calm mind, reduced anxiety, increased energy levels and sustainable happiness everyday!